"He said he could see skulls in the mist. The next moment he went silent. We scrambled into formation, right before his arms and legs came raining down on us." — Kazuhira Miller.

Sometime before the early 1980s, Skull Face discovered an old Diné man under the moniker "Code Talker" who had discovered a species of parasite, that could be bred to become infectious when the host spoke a specific language. Without Code Talker's knowledge, Skull Face would go on to implement the parasites with additional technology to create a unit of physiologically advanced soldiers that could handle missions far too dangerous or demanding of an ordinary man. A secret selection of men, willing or not, were infused with the parasites, along with a modified subculture of Metallic Archaea to create what would become known as the infamous Skulls Unit. The parasite eventually left the host in a vegetative state as the cognitive functions of the brain were destroyed by the concentration of parasites and Metallic Archaea fusing into their cells. These units would be divided into three unique operatives, each with their own tasks: The Mist Unit, to hunt down and execute targets of Skullface's choice. The Camouflage Unit, providing a small but impenetrable wall of surveillance and defense for private compounds. Lastly, The Armor Unit, heavily built guards to patrol and protect specified cargo for travel and prevent third-party intervention."Lunchmeat" was first recorded amidst the Armor Unit by members of the Intel Team, who gave him the 'affectionate' nickname due to the unusually heavy scarring down his entire body. Aside from this observation, there was nothing else unique to note about this member of the unit. When Diamond Dogs Commander, Venom Snake, had attempted to extract Cipher's yellowcake cargo, "Lunchmeat" had established an impressive feat of leaping fifteen feet into the air to cling onto the truck and break the Fulton. The force of his efforts, however, would result in Lunchmeat's leg getting forced inside the hood of the truck and crushed between the engine coolant and the battery. Whether physically unable to react from being Fultoned upside down, or simply from the desire not to destroy the truck's contents, "Lunchmeat" would fail to destroy the Fulton recovery device before it was pulled into the cargo helicopter. Due to the shock of the atmosphere's dry chill, Lunchmeat was immobilized before he could make contact with the helicopter's team and was immediately subdued with the chain binder until reaching Motherbase.Lunchmeat was kept in an isolated cell on the quarantine platform for four days until one of the staff noticed that he was trying to pick at the cell's internal lock, and informed Motherbase XO Miller immediately. This was far more advanced behaviour than any previously documented on The Skulls, and commanding base operators ordering further testing and trials to determine the extent of "Lunchmeat's" intellect. After two months of improved results, "Lunchmeat" was hesitantly relocated to the fourth expansion of the Medical Platform. Three guards are designated between rotations at his cell at all times. Thus far, "Lunchmeat" has proven to be mostly docile, although he seems to have taken a remarkable interest in the base's commander.

NAME John Doe. Known to the field operatives and survivors as "Lunchmeat." AGE Unknown. Dental X-rays suggest an age between late forties and early fifties. SEX Cis Male (Sterile due to infusion of modified subculture "Metallic Archaea" into body.) SPEED 115 km/h (Maximum, In Short Bursts, Running) LEAP DISTANCE Approx. 121 — 183 ft. SEXUAL ORIENTATION
Homosexual, Homoromantic.
WEIGHT 170 kg HEIGHT 2.39 m LANGUAGE(S) None. Responds to spoken English and Greek dialect. ATTIRE & WEAPONRY Each of The Skulls' operatives wear technologically advanced suits that provide padding to their outer arms, thighs, ribs and around their neck. Numerous electronic devices are strapped to their backs with the inclusion of a radio, though when attempting to read the signal of "Lunchmeat's" own, static was only received. Further examination concludes internal damage to the chip, and disconnects him from the other operatives. A unique diversion to "Lunchmeat's" attire is the addition of a large gas cylinder on his back, with a pump leading directly into the large insertion of his mouth. A funnel at the bottom of the tank assists to draw condensed amounts of carbon dioxide in the air, likely assisting in his body's photosynthesis. The Skulls' weaponry is formed from their bodily contents of Metallic Archaea. Like his former comrades, "Lunchmeat" carries a large, serrated machete and a G44K bullpup assault rifle. Neither weapon is seen dormant on "Lunchmeat's" person, and will only be formed in the face of combat. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS "Lunchmeat" is observed to hold much genetic and aesthetic similarity to the other Armor Unit parties — much taller and bulkier in appearance to their Mist Unit counterparts. Each member of these male comprised units are identified with branded marks on their foreheads, reading "02" and with unique barcodes underlining in ink. "Lunchmeat" has appeared to have endured a long, horizontal scar winding down from the top of his skull, curving around his groinal region across his hip to the top of his buttocks. His barcode and numerical identification have been destroyed, with what appears to be a replacement code branded into his upper-left pectoral. Several cell units in his body appear to be damaged beyond repair from this past wound. His right eye is gouged completely from its socket, and his lips are split to display his central incisors (11 & 41) and the further teeth leading out to his 1st molars (16 & 46.) Due to the Skulls' observed regenerative abilities, it is unclear why the damage has remained on "Lunchmeat's" person. Tissue samples from the scar from his hip and buttocks suggest the insertion of a Metallic Archaea based weapon being the cause of this damage. It is undetermined whether this was from a third party, or if hostilities were present in the Armor Unit. "Lunchmeat's" core body temperature measures between 90-95°F in a consistent range. Most viruses cannot survive in his body for more than 4 to 12 hours, although in this period he may still be contagious.

INTELLECTUAL OBSERVATIONS Common to each party of The Skulls "Parasite" Unit, "Lunchmeat" is observed to have been implanted with certain strains of a primaeval, photosynthetic parasite that lives on his skin — "The one that covers". The symbiotic relationship with the parasites have notably destroyed most of his cognitive function, as well as hinder his basic awareness of self and surroundings. Despite this, however, "Lunchmeat" is observed to be capable of limited speech and can assign names to the correct faces accurately. Periodic training has been undergone with "Lunchmeat" to improve and rebuild his cognition with positive results. Since beginning this therapy, his records have improved considerably in comprehending water displacement puzzles, figural analogies for preschool children, and object memory recognition. The primary area for improvement involves an adaptation of the Stanford "marshmallow experiment." 34-percent of trials with "Lunchmeat" have been successful over the period two months, with the number gradually rising. PARASITIC MODIFICATION OBSERVATIONS
"Lunchmeat's" physical exams have been spread out to every fortnight, as he already is beginning to show signs of associated agitation with the Observation room's visual. Further suggests improvement to his cognition. "Lunchmeat" has only permitted the removal of his headgear once on record to study his vision. The remaining eye is sunken and widely dilated with the pupil and iris merging into what resembles a large cataract. Despite this, his vision appears unaffection, even enhanced. He had been able to identify shapes at a distance further than any human, and can even perform as well in complete darkness. Night vision is indicated by a bioluminescent reaction by the parasites in his body under darkness, giving his eye a blue-tinted glow. His skin has undergone a complete discolouration of its natural pigment. All hair follicles in his body have closed up and died, replaced with liquid transportation cells that are near identical to the vascular systems in a tree's leaves. Ultrasounds show that his lungs and stomach appear to have shrunk by around 10—15% in the mass of his chest cavity, and the process of 'breathing' is now performed through the skin. Total submersion in water will eventually lead to asphyxiation, and "Lunchmeat" has displayed signs of agitation towards bodies of water with soil, waste and saline solutions.
Despite this, "Lunchmeat" is drawn to small quantities of water. Simulated recordings of rainfall and streams have consistently been observed to draw his attention, his mind disregarding any other task he has been assigned until the sounds are muted. This is believed to be a fixation induced by the parasites living under his skin, the moisture content providing them and the host with nutrients without consuming solid foods. Similar to photosynthesis, the introduction of sunlight is observed to accelerate and enrich this replenishing process. Between evening and dusk, "Lunchmeat" will periodically fall into trances where his entire body will 'shiver'. This normally lasts between 10 and 30 seconds, and he will repeat the action every half an hour to an hour. Reasons for doing so are unclear. Informed speculations suggest it may be to absorb more carbon dioxide or keep cells energized. Most notable are the performative advances gained. The muscle in his body has strengthened considerably, enough to endure leaps and falls of up to 15 stories, and run at speeds that would otherwise tear and deteriorate human muscle. These acts require a mass amount of energy, and when not activated, "Lunchmeat's" movements will fall into a slow, 'zombified' trance, where his muscles go limp and he will stumble slowly. This trance can last for hours until external movement will trigger his senses 'back to life.'

METALLIC ARCHAEA INFUSION Both The Mist and Armor units are infused with Metallic Archaea, an artificially modified subculture of Archaea, that enhances their abilities. On its own, Metallic Archaea can be used to instantly oxidize any metal it's applied to, and it can contain and consume radiation, as well as other radioactive waste. As a result of this subculture, The Armor unit have increased defensive capabilities beyond human capacity, and are able to create metallic boulder-like projectiles and metallic spike structures that erupt from the ground as a shield. This unit has a unique relationship to the modified subculture, which allows them to generate Archaea over their bodies, which act as a shell-like casing of armor that increases durability. Synonymous between both The Mist and Armor units, each member can form weapons, such as machetes and rifles out of their own body mass due to the transformative properties of the modified subculture. Additionally, they are capable of infecting any living human body in close proximity with Archaea, releasing clouds of the subculture from underneath their parasite-infected skin. This effect turns off their victim's cognitive function to be used as puppets or subdued completely. Although their bodies are infused with Metallic Archaea, they are still vulnerable to being harmed by anything that was coated in it, including their own weapons. Injuries from Metallic Archaea infused weaponry appears to cause greater wounds that take longer for them to heal from, as observed in "Lunchmeat." COMMUNICATIONS When engaged in combat, The Skulls' armor unit displays a complex eusocial structure, and will operate strictly in groups of four individuals. Despite their lowered cognitive function, each independent performs a unique role in the offense. Consistently observed strategies reveal that the Unit will ambush their targets when they are not prepared for it, provoking them into fleeing before they begin the next step. They will then pursue in double file, two individuals running up ahead of the targets to cause them to misstep and fall, or continue the assault with their G44K bullpup assault rifles in front while the other two will close the space behind in a "Pincer movement." This process will continue until the targets either expire to gunfire or are completely encircled by the four operatives. At this stage, the quartet will brandish machetes of the modified subculture formed in their bodies, slashing and cutting through each individual in cases that often turn up reportedly dismembered or scattered into countless foreign bodies. Their communication is observed to extend to preserving one another as well. If one of the Armor operatives are isolated and attacked, one or two others will immediately respond by encircling the wounded individual and force Metallic boulders out from the earth to shield them. This protective pattern is further observed when one individual is preparing to launch a metallic projectile, the other members will be prompted to retreat before impact to ensure none of them gets caught in the crossfire. Each operative follows the order of Skullface as the dominant third party. Applies to all three of The Skulls' units. It is unclear if there is an established hierarchy between each active member of the unit. LOCATION When "Lunchmeat" was originally extracted back to base and contained, his cell was designated on the quarantine platform, several hundreds of meters away from any of Motherbase's main platforms. He was kept there for four days with a single bench for bedding and a toilet. On the fourth day, however, one of the staff noticed that he was trying to pick at the cell's internal lock, and informed Motherbase XO Miller immediately. This was far more advanced behaviour than any previously documented on The Skulls, and commanding base operators ordering further testing and trials to determine the extent of "Lunchmeat's" intellect. After two months, "Lunchmeat" was relocated to the fourth expansion of the Medical Platform. Three guards are designated between rotations at his cell at all times. One escape attempt has been recorded, although this is believed to have been prompted by a cold front forcing vapourised saltwater into "Lunchmeat's" cell and burning his skin. Two resource containers have been placed to shelter the cell from the waters. No further escape attempts have been documented.


"Stop her? Why would I stop her? I've worked for her my whole life. I've lied for her. Framed people for her. Killed people for her. Do you think I'd do all that if I didn't know what she is? What she's capable of? I know exactly what she could do with that kind of power, and i'll be right there with her when she does it." — MISS PAULING.

The loyal and peppy assistant to the enigmatic Administrator of TF Industries, Miss Pauling is an almost equally puzzling figure in her own right. Little is known of the young woman's past or true intentions, her loyalties to anyone besides her employer all but uncertain. What is notable about Miss Pauling is the Administrator's complete faith in her ability to do her job and do it efficiently. These tasks vary greatly, starting from a day behind the desk, managing and strategizing the day's plans between the RED and BLU teams... leading into an evening of digging shallow graves, sanding prints off corpses' fingers, and yanking out teeth. The work laid out for her is apparently endless, leaving Pauling just a single day off for the entire year — not that she minds, for it is difficult to truly relax when there is so much to do.Pauling has worked for the Administrator since she was a girl, following in her mother's footsteps of service to this powerful figurehead. Jobs that would drive men to despair are merely trivial to her, reshaped as normalcy since Pauling was young. She was practically born for this, and she is damn good at it. Those who underestimate her for her small and frumpish appearance are simply easier to steer on the chessboard. Whatever it may be for the day, she will get the job done, more than ready to take on the next.

Miss Freda Pauling
ALIAS(S) The Assistant, Miss Pauling, or simply "Pauling."SPECIES Human.AGE 28BIRTHDAY 23rd March, 1943.ETHNICITY Caucasian, Filipina.NATIONALITY American.GENDER Cis Female.PRONOUNS She, Her, Herself.ORIENTATION Lesbian.BIRTHPLACE Tucson, Arizona, USA.CURRENT LOCATION Badlands, New Mexico, USA.AFFILIATIONS & OCCUPATION Works broadly for the TF Industries. She is a double agent, working in secret for both the RED and BLU companies. But ultimately, Miss Pauling works as the loyal assistant to the Administrator, doing her bidding across multiple fields of operations. Pauling's primary focus is paperwork and calls: performing thorough background checks, coordinating the ordering and delivery of goods, and opening communication channels between other factions of the TF Industries. But out of the eyes of legality, she is in charge of the mercenaries' mission control, the cleanup crew and even operates as a backup member for either team in case of emergencies. This frequently involves Miss Pauling getting her hands dirty directly, murdering witnesses and other liabilities at the Administrator's order, and disposing of the bodies to avoid detection from the police and government officials.VOICE CLAIM Ashly Burch.FATHER Basilio Cabrera.MOTHER Jennifer Pauling.

HAIR Armpit length, silky black hair. Trimmed at the front into cheekbone-length bangs, the rest commonly styled into a ponytail bun.EYES Large upturned eyes. Dark brown, almost appearing as black. Farsighted, requires prescription eyewear.FACE Small "heart-shaped" face with high cheekbones. Possesses a small, upturned nose with a slight "concaved" bridge.COMPLEXION Pale olive skin with warm undertones.HEIGHT 5'3 ft [ 161 cm. ]WEIGHT 123 lbs [ 56 kg. ]BUILD Mesomorph. Hour-glass build with slim arms and legs. Slightly muscle definition in her upper arms.USUAL EXPRESSION The first thing to note about Miss Pauling is her generally cheerful and polite demeanour, and such shows in her rather animated features. Because of this, she is noted to hold a naturally trustworthy and perky appearance, and this can lead to her more senior peers and even employees not taking her too seriously, even when they are aware of her effortlessly ruthless capabilities. But, like a switch, Pauling can occasionally become frightfully stern, usually when a situation begins to spiral, or her request for cooperation is ignored. Ultimately, expression isn't an entirely reliable means of grasping Pauling's true intentions — behind that peppy demeanour, who truly knows what she is thinking?CLOTHING STYLE Purple is the colour synonymous between both Miss Pauling and her employer. No matter the style of outfit, purple is almost guaranteed to link each primary article of clothing in her wardrobe: a visual communicator of her neutrality. Beyond this mandatory feature, Pauling's style is professional and neat, with dresses and skirts reaching below her knee commonly paired with simple flat shoes. She mostly dresses for efficiency, but still holds great value in the importance of appearances.NEUROLOGY Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD.)

Little frightens Miss Pauling to an extensive degree, life-or-death situations commonly met with pragmatism and sometimes even excitement. Things that would horrify most people she faces without flinching. Ironically, Pauling's greatest fear is the very woman she serves. Despite the decade of her service, she knows next to nothing about the Announcer's intentions beyond her frightfully limitless knowledge and cunning... as well as her cantankerous nature. She knows that amidst the chaos of the entire company, she is planning something big, perhaps even globally consequential. Not once has Pauling questioned her word or orders despite this, trusting that she will still have a place at her side... or perhaps it is simply the fear of what might become of her if she fails to hold her tongue.
POSITIVE TRAITS Pleasant, Polite, Affable, Considerate, Cheerful, Professional, Hyperactive, Courageous, Intelligent, Efficient, Reliable, Friendly, Humorous, Devoted, Diplomatic.NEGATIVE TRAITS Workaholic, Reckless, Manipulative, Dishonest, Ruthless, Callous, Demanding, Irritable, Mistrusting, Deceitful, Indifferent, Detached, Violent, Insensitive, Biased.EDUCATION LEVEL Completed mandatory schooling education from ages five to ten. After that, her work became primarily centred around continuing her mother's prior service to the Administrator, her role strenuous, even when the girl was still a teenager. Her life has revolved around work ever since then, her friendships and experiences outside fleeting: it's hard to maintain connections with someone when you cannot answer any questions about yourself to them.INTERESTS & HOBBIES Miss Pauling has had a fixation on guns since she was young, her knowledge of various firearms, gauges and their history seemingly limitless: she can fire pretty much anything with a trigger if she is capable of lifting it. Despite her incredibly busy schedule, she is fond of taking on board short-term hobbies and even going on unofficial outings with her employers and employees. She is always up for a challenge, and even takes delight in the potential dangers. She's also enrolled in a boxing class, although isn't particularly good at it.


"The starving and vicious bloodfang sabretooth hunts at night to satisfy its hunger for human flesh." — Far Cry Primal.

The fastest predator in all the land — the legendary beast entitled "The Bloodfang" is a huge male sabretooth tiger that established his territory in the South-East valleys of Oros. His name is shrouded in infamy within the Wenja, Izila and Udam tribes alike as a voracious carnivore that has long acquired a taste for human flesh. He purposefully stalks villages at night for his next victim where most other tigers would normally keep a distance unless pushed by desperation. His tyranny is so dire that the Wenja people sleep in the morning to avoid being caught off guard.The beast is marked with a common tan-striped coat, tinted a darker ash brown with a thick mane spiking up his haunches and down the centre of his throat. The fur along his jaw and neck is stained with a permanent crimson bloom, hence the mark of his moniker. Across his entire body, there are visible scars from countless battles with wolves, cave bears, and other sabretooth tigers, namely a huge scar splitting into four claw marks down the back of his head and across his right shoulder. His right ear and eye are nicked with blotched scar tissue, and his nose and snout are split with a shallow wound.Survivors of The Bloodfang Sabretooth often remark on his eyes first: pale as the sky and as green as the lake's depths, but more ferocious than any fires burned by man. They say the tiger is the most vengeful of all beasts, tracking those who cross them for days just to personally end their lives. There is familiarity in Bloodfang's eyes for men who have scarred his face — hatred some would claim, and when slain, their wounds indicate no signs of feeding, only that the big cat let them die slowly.It is said that only the most noble of hunters stand a chance of bringing an end to the beast's reign of tyranny and returning his spirit to Oros — many contenders across the sun's cycles trying and failing, paying the ultimate price. But, is there more to be made in acceptance of the tiger's nature? To slay him as an enemy is a triumph... but to tame him as an ally is to display a spirit doused in the strength of Oros itself.

TITLE The Bloodfang Sabretooth Tiger. OTHER ALIAS(S) Bloodfang, Man-eater of Oros. SPECIES Smilodon Populator. AGE 9 - 12 approximately. BIRTHDAY < 10,000 BC. [ May 21st. ] CURRENT LOCATION Oros, Europe nearing the beginning of the Mesolithic period. SEX Male. PRONOUNS Any.

LANGUAGE(S) Although incapable of speech or understanding complex sentences, Bloodfang has proven to show understanding for certain words. He responds to dantan tigri 'sabretooth tiger', gwar 'beast', and, Bloodfang. Such knowledge is used in conjuction with hunting men, as they are the words he hears when he has been spotted. HEIGHT 1.2 m [ 3'9 ft at the shoulder. ] & 2.4 m [ 7'8 ft in length. ] WEIGHT 435 kg [ 959 lbs ] PHYSICAL AILMENTS Digestive complications, occasionally resulting in nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

SLEEPING HABITS Nocturnal. Sleeps during the day and emerges at dusk and nightfall. DIET Carnivore with a ravenous appetite. Will devour any living thing, mostly preying on larger game like Tall Elk, Woolly Rhino, and young Mammoths. Has taken to hunting humans. LIKES Meat, Confined space & shadows, Soft materials, Sunned Rocks DISLIKES Water, Fire, Humans, Canine-related species (Dholes, Wolves, Foxes), Other Sabretooth Tigers, Loud sounds, Man-made tools.


"Now, I'm probably not very frightening to a guy like you. But these crazies, they can't stand it. They scream and they cry... as much as you're doing now." — Scarecrow.

Doctor Jonathan Crane was born out of wedlock to a reluctant mother, Karen Keeny, and father Gerald Crane, who would abandon the pair long before Jonathan was even born. The pregnancy was subjected to the abhorrence and disgust of Karen's devoutly religious family, and the boy was kept as far away from his shamed mother as possible, raised instead by his great-grandmother, Nancy Keeny, in a rickety old mansion in Arlen, Georgia. Jonathan was a lonely child, subject to teasing by his school peers for his abnormally small and scrawny frame, as well as his reclusive nature. Life at home was no better, and by his belief far worse. Nancy Keeny would raise the boy out of pure necessity in her religious beliefs to keep a child alive. She was a strict woman, enforcing Jonathan to keep his grades high and appearance immaculate. His chores around the farm's fields were expected to be completed before supper, and he was forbidden to partake in any non-religious holidays, or indulge in any leisurely media, as she believed it to be poisoning his mind with The Devil's will. To diverge from Nancy's expectations would be met with severe punishment, the boy locked outside overnight or confined to his room without supper and his arms tied by his sides. But worst of all, Jonathan's ultimate punishment would lead to him being locked inside the family's former chapel that had long ago withered and been reduced to a makeshift aviary. Just like his mother before him, Nancy would leave him for the aggravated crows nesting inside to attack and mutilate, often until the boy was completely plastered with wounds and his clothes were reduced to tatters. But, to cry or protest was to only worsen his punishment. Thus, "I'm sorry" became the common phrase around his primary caregiver. Although it was a distant memory by the time he would move to Gotham, Jonathan's trauma from his great-grandmother manifested into a harrowing phobia of crows, thus inspiring his later fascination with studying the human mind's relationship with fear and his desire to study psychology.Leaving Arlen behind, Jonathan attended Gotham City University to study the emotional functions of humanity, and spent his studying time trying to use fossils that were too dense to comprehend its benefits. Most doubted his brilliance, but at age 21, Crane was surprisingly given his doctorate in Psychology by the university's President, Dr. Titus V. Blaney, after he submitted a thesis on the etiology of the fear reflex in primary mammals. Later hired as the Psychology Professor at the same college, Dr. Crane ensconced in the Psychology Department and developed a habit of annoying his colleagues and generally described his students as "dumber than pond scum". Those bad manners eventually enhanced Crane's mystique as he secretly began to experiment fear etiology on his students by feeding them a hallucinogenic drug that was meant to induce panic. Rumors about that illicit action started to spread on campus, later became facts when Crane formed the drug into a liquid which he called a "party potion" and presented it at a Christmas Eve Party at the school. One of the students who drank it simply tasted the full effect, and she was seen a hour later running through the glass window of a department store at Gotham's local mall and tried to wreck apart a Santa Claus Mannequin once inside. When questioning on the incident later revealed her connection to Crane, the situation got worse for him when a colleague also among the university staff quietly investigated his phobia thesis and discovered the faked activity behind it. Crane was thus called before a university staff meeting, where he explained his conclusions as valid because his insight was so much deeper than that of others and chose not to waste it doing dreary and horrible chores to constitute proof. Blaney tried to overrule the staff's decision to dismiss Crane from the college due to how much he praised him for his "achievements", but soon came to realize that he may have staked his reputation on his student too much and saw him as a "fraudulent egotistical braggart".After he was angrily fired from the Psychology Professor post at the end of the semester, Crane told Gotham's Public Relations Office at a press release that he reluctantly left the school in order to pursue other opportunities such as research in the private sector. However, academic community members who knew the real story gleefully spread it around Gotham, and, by the time that the news had reached Arkham Asylum, the doctors there didn't get the bad news about Crane in question, who was invited to the asylum and was hired as Chief Administrator. After he was given license to experiment on the insane asylum inmates, Crane set up a Fear Aversion therapy program in which his drug was used to frighten his worst fears and those of his patients, which eventually developed his worsened mystique with a sadistic personality disorder. In addition, Crane discovered that putting on a mask furthered his experiments, and was thus inspired by his childhood fear of crows that gradually developed the "external tormentor" alter ego of "The Scarecrow" with a burlap gas mask that made himself immune to the drug.

FULL NAME Jonathan Crane. ALIAS(S) Dr. Crane, Scarecrow, The Scarecrow. SPECIES Human. AGE 29. BIRTHDAY 25th May, 1979.⠀ ETHNICITY Caucasian. LANGUAGE(S) English [ Native Tongue. ] GENDER Transmasc, AFAB. PRONOUNS He, Him, Himself. ORIENTATION Demisexual [ Strong lean towards masculine individuals. ]
BIRTHPLACE Arlen, Georgia. United States.
CURRENT LOCATION An apartment in The Narrows, Gotham City. United States. OCCUPATION ** == Chief Administrator & lead Psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, specialising in Psychopharmacology. VOICE CLAIM & FACE CLAIM Cillian Murphy. FATHER Gerald Crane. He holds next to no knowledge on his father whom abandoned Jonathan and his mother before he was even born.== MOTHER
Karen Crane. Although the pair lived under the same roof, Jonathan’s relationship with her was mostly absent due to her reluctance to raise him, as well as the external judgement from their religious family for her impulsive and short-lived wedlock to Gerald: an affair believed to be a source of great shame to the Keeny family.

Nancy Keeny. Jonathan’s primary caregiver and the core source of the severe emotional and physical abuse inflicted upon him since he was a boy. Nancy raised Jonathan under an extremely Authoritarian parenting style, holding him to impossibly high standards. He was expected to maintain good grades, keep himself groomed immaculately, do his chores around the farm and the family chapel, and keep himself rigorously involved in his religious studies. He was forbidden to partake in non-religious holidays, nor leisurely reading or media, both deemed to be nothing but poison to his mind. To diverge from any of these expectations would be met with severe punishment from his great-grandmother, often resulting in him being locked outside overnight or confined to his room without supper and only fresh wounds to nurse. But worst of all, Jonathan's ultimate punishment would lead to him being locked inside the family's chapel where Nancy would leave him for the aggravated crows that nested inside to attack and mutilate, often until the boy was completely plastered with wounds and his clothes were reduced to tatters. But, to cry or protest was to only worsen his punishment. Thus, "I'm sorry" became the common phrase around his primary caregiver. Because of this, Jonathan still harbours a deep, crippling fear of his great-grandmother, his desire to return to Arlen utterly non-existent: he would burn that town to the ground if given the chance.
HAIR Medium length dark brown hair, often groomed with a neat part through the centre. EYES Large “almond-shape” with notably long eyelashes and dark pinkish bags under eyelids. Unusually bright blue eyes, almost translucent under bright lighting. Farsighted and struggles to make out objects any closer than approximately 20 feet away. Requires prescription eyewear.== FACE ** ==Slender, “square-shaped” face with a prominent jawline and cheekbones.== COMPLEXION ** ==Fair skin with pink undertones. HEIGHT 5'7 ft [ 172 cm. ]⠀ WEIGHT 146 lbs [ 66 kg. ]⠀ BUILD Mesomorph. Slim frame with naturally defined musculature but little muscle mass or bulk. Slender limbs. Lacks much physical strength or endurance.== HEALTH ** ==Average to below-average health. Although he is normally well off, he is far more susceptible to sickness than most people, often enduring the most severe symptoms of an illness and with a longer recovery period. Celiac disease present.

== USUAL EXPRESSION ** ==Although relatively composed, one would be unlikely to miss the fierce intensity behind Dr. Crane’s eyes — charged with the unpredictable energy with a man hellbent on tearing the fear out of his victim’s still-beating hearts and dangling it before their eyes. Pursed lips often give way to tremors of agitation or a smirk, his true intentions dancing just beneath the persona he flippantly adorns.== CLOTHING STYLE ** ==No matter the circumstances, Dr. Crane never strays far from his long-lived requirement to dress sharp and neat. Suits are a common feature of his attire, sweaters and dress shirts interchanging beneath. This juxtaposes strongly with his burlap gas mask coupled with a noose, evoking similar imagery to a scarecrow — inspired by his childhood fear of crows that gradually developed into the "external tormentor" alter ego of "The Scarecrow" that he now wears to further his experiments and inspire the same terror inside his test subjects.== FEAR(S) & ASPIRATION(S) ** ==
Dr. Crane is utterly transfixed with fear in its entirety: from its utter compulsive power as any vertebrate's biochemical response to danger, to how it dictates the human mind in concepts and triggers. There is little that Crane himself fears in the present, although he is acutely aware of the power that past traumas hold on him and likely will forever. Ornithophobia is present, primarily for crows and other corvids due to his trauma as a child. His great-grandmother is also at the root of many of his other anxieties — demons and religious imagery, as well as overpowering figures. It is Crane's own fears that primarily inspired him to explore Psychology, even purely as a means to understand himself better.
PTSD, Anxiety, Sadistic Personality Disorder, Narcissism.
== FAITH ** ==Atheist, Raised Catholic. Is still subconsciously guided in measure by Christian binaries of morality, although holds little to no belief in the supernatural, reducing everything to scientific explanation. POSITIVE TRAITS Intelligent, Composed, Curious, Independent, Humorous, Observant, Eloquent, Practical, Confident, Enthusiastic, Assertive, Efficient. NEGATIVE TRAITS Arrogant, Fraudulent, Manipulative, Controlling, Sadistic, Selfish, Patronizing, Brazen, Acquisitive, Egotistical, Braggart, Cruel, Dismissive.== EDUCATION LEVEL ** ==Completed secondary and tertiary education. Granted his Doctorate in Psychology at Gotham City University at age 21.